Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dave Matthews & Rush

Monday night, Bob, Andreja, Josh and I went to see Dave Matthews at the DTE Music Theater. It was a great show! On the way back home we stopped at White Castle for burgers and they were really good. On Tuesday, Bob and I went to the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit to see Rush, where we got to go backstage and meet the band.

You can read more about our concert adventures at Bob's blog.

Knitting-wise, I am almost done with Coachella. I was hoping to have it done to wear to the Rush concert, but that did not happen. My boss and his wife had their baby last night, so I have to get cracking to get the blanket done. It is not far from being finished, but as any knitter knows, nothing ever is! That is why we have so many WIPs!!! (that is Works In Progress for you non-knitters out there!) So I better get going on my projects........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never been much of a Rush fan, but that's really cool that you got to meet the band afterwards!